Recent content by t-richards

  1. t-richards

    yt-dlp, the ultimate youtube-dl successor

    I spent some time this weekend setting up a rudimentary "click button in browser extension" → yt-dlp pipeline and I learned a few things: -f best is not always a desirable option. It selects for downloading pre-muxed files which have both the highest quality audio and video at the same time...
  2. t-richards

    Top Tools and Techniques to Enhance Your Test Suite

    @brb3 fuzzing is definitely a useful strategy to ensure the robustness of your software. However, the landscape of fuzzing in Ruby is still evolving compared to some other languages, where support for fuzzing is more mature. Personally, I am a big fan of fuzzing. I believe it to be most helpful...
  3. t-richards

    Top Tools and Techniques to Enhance Your Test Suite

    Automated testing is a fundamental aspect of the development workflow for Rubyists. But how do you decide what to test? What happens when your tests run slowly and feel like they're just getting in the way? The following links are some resources which I have found to be helpful in answering...