RSS feed

I think the answer is two fold:
- Yes it supports it
- No it doesn't work lol

In the footer is a little RSS icon all the way on the right. It appears to be 404ing however. @StrangeWill might need to make a configuration change to fix that.
Yeah 404 for me as well but I just learned that if you click the lightning bolt in top right you get a recent post screen which is really all I want. Doing that in a RSS reader would be ideal tho but low priority
I'm going to tweak some settings tonight that should fix the RSS feed (and possibly some other stuff broken by the friendly URL rewrite... and follow the docs better), luckily my docker container makes this easy to do.

Just not going to fiddle with it right now because of work/don't want to restart the container 10 trillion times first day we got it running just for RSS.