So we're going to try this out...


Staff member
There's been a lot of requests off and on in the past few years for a Devanooga Forum, so here it finally is!

There's some benefits of a forum over Slack:

  1. Way more async - this allows people to not miss a thing while not being online 24/7
  2. Actual threads - Slack and Discord thread support is awful
  3. Another way to communicate - May be more welcoming to some of our other users that don't deal with Slack as much
  4. Indexable - OK let's be really honest here, this is a massive downside of communities folding into Slack/Discord, as we share knowledge sharing it with others is awesome!
  5. Nostalgia bait - Okay, a lot of us grew up on this, I have a feeling some of this is nostalgia bait, including myself, let's see how old-school social media goes!

There's some things I have planned in the near future:

  • Slack integration - We'd probably want to be able to tag specific forums to drop notifications when new threads come in, this may require a bit of custom rolling with our bot, but that's cool
  • User import - Not sure I want to aggressively shove invites out to everyone in Devanooga, hmm...
  • Custom theme - The built in theme is okay
  • Import our 10 trillion emojis from Slack

It's definitely going to be interesting trying to strike a balance, but we'll see how it goes!
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This is very exciting! Some things are better suited to a forum, like long term event planning. Threads in Slack don’t cut it.
Very insightful as always @seabre.

I'm particularly looking forward to more long-form posts and long-living discussions.
The problem I have with Slack (and other chats) is that it's easy to miss interesting conversations because a channel can quickly shift to another topic. Threads just don't cut it.
Also the fact that this is indexable is great. I hate the idea of everything being beholden to Slack or Discord or whatever.
I adore forums over Slack because it makes it so much easier to feed my FOMO, never miss anything ever again
After Googles Helpful Content Update in March and May, forums are weighted heavily for rank. This would be a way for the information density in Devanooga's slack to be accessible and of value to the great Chattanooga area and tech community, from us discussing or reviewing local company, salaries, best restaurants, places to avoid, roundup of best tools on the internet, etc. I love this angle of it.
Huge fan of going back to a classic forum. This is how the internet is supposed to be - it feels so much more normal.