W3DEV Field Day 2024 Results!


Staff member
Our results are in 1107 QSOs for a total score of 1,741

Contest: FD
 Band   Mode  QSOs     Pts  Pt/Q
   3.5  CW      19      38   2.0
   3.5  LSB      2       2   1.0
     7  CW     243     486   2.0
     7  FT4     62     124   2.0
     7  FT8      1       2   2.0
     7  LSB    142     142   1.0
    14  CW     185     370   2.0
    14  FT4     44      88   2.0
    14  FT8      5      10   2.0
    14  USB    284     284   1.0
    21  CW      51     102   2.0
    21  FT4     17      34   2.0
    21  USB     37      37   1.0
    28  CW       7      14   2.0
    28  USB      8       8   1.0
 Total  Both  1107    1741   1.6
Score: 1,741
1 Mult = 1.0 Q's

We got some final paperwork to do to submit our scores to the ARRL.


I got some more photos on the way, so stay tuned!
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