What are the immediate benefits of HTTP/3?


Staff member
What are the immediate benefits of HTTP/3 and do app devs need to worry about it at the application layer?

I was reading up on HTTP/3 and more specifically QUIC a moment ago, and while it seems like it is mostly applicable to the crew operating at the transport layer, what things does the average app dev need to know, learn, or change with regard to HTTP/3?
At least in my opinion the benefits of HTTP/2 -> HTTP/3 is much less significant than the benefits we got from HTTP/1.1 -> HTTP/2

The main benefit is a reduction in overhead that we get with TCP/IP, but as far as I can tell, that's a minimal impact on most traffic, mobile on sketchy connections will get significantly better -- but how often is that a major source of traffic? As I mentioned in #general in Slack -- Google Fi doesn't give me good service to begin with as far as data is concerned, QUIC isn't going to help with that.

As far as what the average dev needs to do? Usually nothing other than make sure it's enabled at least on the front-end servers (again, because between a load balancer and your front-end servers, QUIC isn't going to matter much), protocols are typically way "lower" than your average web dev is going to concern themselves with.