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  1. brb3

    Steve Harvey Appreciation Thread

  2. brb3

    Recently Acquired

    Artist: Cookin Soul Album Title: Raw Tapes Vol. 1 Listen: Spotify Link I just got this record in the mail a few days ago. Another Cookin Soul album with boom bap style beats and vocals from several rappers. If you're into Cookin Soul's other stuff or just boom bap in general, it hits the nail...
  3. brb3

    Recently Acquired

    For this thread, I thought it would be cool for us to have a place to post our "Recently Acquired" music. This could be an LP, CD, MiniDisc, Cassette, or just a link to an album on Spotify that you've recently discovered. This is all about "new to you" type stuff, so it doesn't have to be...
  4. brb3

    Forum Suggestions

    Oh, is this how we revive #holywars? A fancy new "Holy Wars" forum for us to die on stupid hills (as one does).
  5. brb3

    RSS feed

    I think the answer is two fold: - Yes it supports it - No it doesn't work lol In the footer is a little RSS icon all the way on the right. It appears to be 404ing however. @StrangeWill might need to make a configuration change to fix that.
  6. brb3

    Tascam Model 12

    I've been wanting a nicer mixer for a while, and finally bit the bullet on a Tascam Model 12. Getting it setup the way I want has been tricky, and I've learned a few things about the limitations in the process. My Use Cases Use the mixer as an audio interface for everyday stuff. Send mic input...
  7. brb3

    So we're going to try this out...

    Very insightful as always @seabre. I'm particularly looking forward to more long-form posts and long-living discussions. The problem I have with Slack (and other chats) is that it's easy to miss interesting conversations because a channel can quickly shift to another topic. Threads just don't...