Leaked DNDOne Weapon Functionality


Staff member
Somewhat of a rumor at this point, but I was tossed this:


If a game feature lets you replace a weapon’s Mastery property with another one, that weapon must meet any prerequisite specified for the new property.

Ohhh, a cool new weapon ability

CLEAVE. Prerequisite: Melee Weapon, Heavy Property

If you hit a creature with a melee attack using this weapon, you can make an attack roll with the weapon against a second creature within 5 feet of the first that is also within your reach. On a hit, the second creature takes the weapon’s damage, but don’t add your ability modifier to that damage, unless that modifier is negative. You can make this extra attack only once per turn.

This is pretty normal, moved from a feat to a weapon ability, but I'm not a fan only two weapons can Cleave now...

FLEX. Prerequisite: Versatile Property

When you hit with a melee attack using this weapon, you deal its Versatile damage even if you’re wielding it with one hand.

This is honestly an interesting improvement, I like it.

GRAZE. Prerequisite: Melee Weapon, Heavy Property

If your attack roll with this weapon misses a creature, you can deal damage to that creature equal to the ability modifier you used to make the attack roll. This damage is the same type dealt by the weapon, and the damage can’t be increased in any way, other than increasing the ability modifier.

Honestly hate this -- maybe if within a range of their AC, but not automatic damage on a miss.

NICK. Prerequisite: Light Property

When you make the extra attack of the Light property, you can make it as part of the Attack action, instead of as a Bonus Action. You can still make this extra attack only once per turn.

This honestly is really beneficial in very rare circumstances, a lot of bonus actions require a free hand, so I'd have to free-hand sheath my weapon, leaving me vulnerable next turn -- it's actually an interesting trade off, handy for Healing Word though.

PUSH . Prerequisite: Heavy, Two-Handed, or Versatile Property

If you hit a creature with this weapon, you can push the creature up to 10 feet away from you if it is no more than one size larger than you.

No opposing strength check? Don't like it -- also if dual wielding with the feat that allows you to dual wield one handed weapons (if you're versatile), you can just shove people around endlessly. Not a fan.

SAP. Prerequisite: No Other Properties

If you hit a creature with this weapon, that creature has Disadvantage on its next attack roll before the start of your next turn.

No saving throw? Ick

SLOW. Prerequisite: None

If you hit a creature with this weapon and deal damage to the creature, you can reduce its Speed by 10 feet until the start of your next turn. If you hit the creature more than once with this property, the Speed reduction doesn’t exceed 10 feet.

Honestly a needed mechanic, fleeing opponents don't have a lot of ways to slow them down.

TOPPLE. Prerequisite: Heavy, Reach, or Versatile Property

If you hit a creature with this weapon, you can force the creature to make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + the ability modifier you used t make the attack roll. On a failed save, the creature has the Prone condition.

Finally a saving throw, geez. This is okay.

VEX. Prerequisite: Ammunition, Finesse, or Light Property

If you hit a creature with this weapon and deal damage to the creature, you have Advantage on your next attack roll against that creature before the end of your next turn.

No DC/saving throw? Ick


Over all, I'm not really a huge fan, a lot of these should be normal combat options (or just available for more than a weapon with a mastery type on it), a lot of these should have checks when they don't, a lot of them seem easily abused, hopefully they get re-tuned but honestly feels clunky for what could have been just a generally better combat experience.

Getting a level of mastery on a weapon is a cool idea, but the abilities are rough.