Recent content by seabre

  1. seabre

    Recently Acquired

    I bought a bunch of stuff from the Metro Chattanooga Record Show this weekend. Artist: Fripp & Eno Album Title: (No Pussyfooting) Listen: Spotify Link Japanese promo pressing Artist: King Crimson Album Title: Discipline Listen: Spotify Link Japanese pressing. Still has the original stickers...
  2. seabre

    This Weekend in Ringgold: Metro Chattanooga Record Show

    Looks cool. Might have to run by and check it out.
  3. seabre

    Satisfying programming languages to learn?

    Depends by what you mean by satisfaction. I have a good bit of experience with many many languages, but if it means "pleasant to build production apps with" then here is my personal shortlist: Ruby IMHO has the best developer ecosystem around. Pretty much every popular language has stolen from...
  4. seabre

    Poll: What virtualization platforms are you using in your lab?

    Oh yeah, if you have an "Other" and are not content with voting "Other" I'll add it, I don't care.
  5. seabre

    Poll: What virtualization platforms are you using in your lab?

    I'm curious if most folks here really are mostly using Proxmox in their labs. It came up the other day, and was curious if it is actually the case.
  6. seabre

    What are the immediate benefits of HTTP/3?

    The curl guy posted this today:
  7. seabre

    Bookshelf: Books every developer needs to read

    A Gift of Fire: Probably a little outdated given recent developments with LLMs, but pretty commonly used textbook for computing ethics classes when they are actually even offered. Covers pretty wide breadth of computing...
  8. seabre

    Steve Harvey Appreciation Thread

    ,--, .--.--. ___ ,--.'| / / '. ,--.'|_ ,--, | ...
  9. seabre

    Total Insanity

    I want to try this, but I don't have any > 10G interfaces or switches in my lab. Unless you count my Macbook which can technically do 40G if you do P2P with another machine on thunderbolt:
  10. seabre

    Forum Suggestions

  11. seabre

    So we're going to try this out...
